Meet Kim Ji Hun, The Eight Member Who Failed To Debut With BTS

The popular BTS pop group actually had eight members before Big Hit decided to fire one of them.

Prior to the alienation we know today when V, Jimin, Suga, Jin, RM, J-Hope and Jungkook were formed, BTS had many former members who left the project. RM was the first to be recruited by BigHit and his teammates joined from time to time, but one of them is already stuck on the road and here we have to reveal who he is.

The report on the eighth member of BTS was published through the Vice Asia channel. He is Kim Ji Hun, a young man who has been an intern at BigHit for two years. He came to the office at the age of 18 and trained with idols; however, they decided to remove him from the group.

The last time he saw BTS was after graduation, he took pictures with BTS and chatted with them, since they had never seen each other again. He also says he regrets not being able to be with them, as he likes being close to their mouths.

According to previous experiences, Kim Ji-hoon took care of Suga when he was sick, and Yoongi spent a year in a hotel and revealed that he was the group members’ second father.

Learn his full story through this video:

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