Korean web novel Solo Leveling is getting an anime adaptation, and Crunchyroll shared all the details at Anime Expo on Sunday, July 3rd. The comic, written by Chugong and illustrated by DUBU from Redice Studio, is a hit in South Korea and was adapted into English by Yen Press in February 2021. Here’s everything we know so far about the upcoming anime.
What is the anime Solo Leveling about?
Crunchyroll shared news about Anime Solo Leveling during an industry panel held at Anime Expo on Sunday, July 3rd. The streaming platform announced that A-1 Pictures is working on the anime adaptation and will release it on its service. worldwide outside of Asia. Solo Leveling follows young Sung Jinwoo, a weak player who lives in a world where people with magical abilities known as hunters fight monsters and conquer dungeons to protect humanity as you know it.
When Jinwoo survives a near-fatal battle in , he is chosen by a program called “the System,” which grants him the ability to ascend exponentially with no known limit, leading him on a quest to discover the extent of his new powers.
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When will the anime “Solo Leveling” be released?
No official release date has been given, but the current plan is to come out sometime in 2023. Crunchyroll released a trailer for the anime at Anime Expo and gave a sneak peek at the adaptation.
Who will work on the anime “Solo Leveling”?
Shunsuke Nakashige will direct the anime, while Noboru Kimura will join as lead writer and Tomoko Sudo will work on the series’ character designs. Hiroyuki Sawano, who composed the music for Attack on Titan, The Seven Deadly Sins and Blue Exorcist, will also be working on the show’s music. The voice cast for the anime has not yet been announced, but it will likely be announced for both the Japanese simulcast and a potential English voice actor shortly before the series’ release.
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What did the creators of “Solo Leveling” say about the anime?
In a press release, Solo Leveling’s original creators Chugong and DUBU shared their thoughts on the anime adaptation. Author Chugong said, “If someone had said to me about six years ago, when I was writing the beginning of Solo Leveling, ‘The novel you wrote is going to be a comic,’ I bet I would have told them , they should stop teasing me.” But now tell me it’s getting lively, seriously stop teasing me on days when I’m feeling agitated and agitated.Since I still doubt that this is real, I want to see Jinwoo and the other animated characters soon and I feel relieved.
I will keep working diligently while waiting for that day. DUBU added, “Solo Leveling is finally making its anime debut. It seems like it was just yesterday that we received the offer for the anime adaptation. I feel so overwhelmed thinking about the anime is really emerging.All thanks to you fans who love and support Solo Leveling.” I am filled with gratitude. Many Thanks. Please also support the animation production team. Very happy.